Re: Kennt ihr den Verein ?


Geschrieben von Alien Intelligence Agency am 13. Feb 2002 15:23:01:

Als Antwort auf: Kennt ihr den Verein ? geschrieben von Angel of Seven am 10. Feb 2002 20:11:28:

- Auf dem Foto seht Ihr PATRICK FITZGERALD aus Atlanta, deren Web-Master [Ähnlichkeiten zu WW vorhanden ,-)]

- Deren offizielle Web-Site: Hier ist sie..

- Hier die Page des Direktors: PAUL KURTZ..

- Paul Kurtz is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo, founder and chairman of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), the Council for Secular Humanism, and Prometheus Books, and editor-in-chief of Free Inquiry Magazine. He is a former Co-President of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). BA, New York University; MA and PhD, Columbia University. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Humanist

+ Laureate and President of the International Academy of Humanism.

- Humanist Laureates:

Pieter Admiraal (medical doctor, The Netherlands)
Ruben Ardila (professor of psychology, Universidad de Colombia)
Kurt Baier (professor of philosophy, University of Pittsburgh)
Sir Isaiah Berlin (professor of philosophy, Oxford University)
Sir Hermann Bondi (Fellow of the Royal Society, Past Master of Churchill College, London)
Yelena Bonner (human rights defender, Commonwealth of Independent States)
Mario Bunge (professor of philosophy of science, McGill University)
Jean-Pierre Changeux (College de France and Institut Pasteur)
Patricia Smith Churchland (professor of philosophy, University of California, San Diego)
Bernard Crick (professor of politics, University of London)
Francis Crick (Nobel Laureate in Physiology, Salk Institute)
Richard Dawkins (New College Fellow, Oxford University)
José Delgado (chairperson of the Department of Neuropsychiatry, University of Madrid)
Paul Edwards (professor of philosophy, Brooklyn College)
Luc Ferry (professor of philosophy, Sorbonne and University of Caen)
Sir Raymond Firth (professor emeritus of anthropology, University of London)
Betty Friedan (author and founder of the National Organization for Women)
Yves Galifret (professor of physiology at the Sorbonne and director of l'Union Rationaliste)
Johan Galtung (professor of sociology, University of Oslo)
Stephen Jay Gould (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard)
Adolf Grünbaum (professor of philosophy, University of Pittsburgh)
Murray Gell-Mann (Nobel Laureate in physics, California Institute of Technology)
Herbert Hauptman (Nobel Laureate and professor of biophysical science, SUNY at Buffalo)
Donald Johanson (Institute of Human Origins)
Sergei Kapitza (physicist, Insitute of Physics and Technology)
George Klein (cancer researcher, Sweden)
György Konrád (novelist, Hungary)
Thelma Lavine (Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Philosophy, George Mason University)
Jolé Lombardi (organizer of the New University for the Third Age)
José Leite Lopes (director, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas)
Paul MacCready (Chairman, AeroVironment, Inc.)
Adam Michnik (historian and writer, Poland)
Conor Cruise O'Brien (author, Ireland)
Indumati Parikh (president, Radical Humanist Association of India)
John Passmore (professor of philosophy, Australian National University)
Wardell Baxter Pomeroy (psychotherapist and author)
Marcel Roche (permanent delegate to UNESCO from Venezuela)
Max Rood (professor of law and former Minister of Justice in Holland)
Richard Rorty (professor of philosophy, University of Virginia)
Léopold Sédar Senghor (former president, Senegal)
Wole Soyinka (Nobel Laureate in Literature, Nigeria)
Svetozar Stojanovic (professor of philosophy, University of Belgrade)
Thomas Szasz (professor of psychiatry, SUNY Medical School)
V. M. Tarkunde (chairman, Indian Radical Humanist Association)
Richard Taylor (professor of philosophy, Union College)
Rob Tielman (copresident, International Humanist and Ethical Union)
Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón (president of the Sociedad Asturiana de Filosofia, Oviedo, Spain)
Sir Peter Ustinov (actor and director)
Simone Veil (former president, European Parliament, France)
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (novelist)
Mourad Wahba (professor of education, University of Ain Shams, Cairo)
G. A. Wells (professor of German, University of London)
Edward O. Wilson (professor of entomology, Harvard.)


George O. Abell
Steve Allen
Isaac Asimov
Sir Alfred J. Ayer
R. Nita Barrow
Brand Blanshard
Bonnie Bullough
Milovan Djilas
Joseph F. Fletcher III
Sidney Hook
Lawrence Kohlberg
Franco Lombardi
André Michael Lwoff
Ernest Nagel
George Olincy
Octavio Paz
Chaim Perelman
Sir Karl Popper
W. V. Quine
Carl Sagan
Andrei Sakharov
Lady Barbara Wooton


Paul Kurtz (professor emeritus of philosophy, SUNY at Buffalo, editor in chief of Free Inquiry) President
Austin Dacey, Executive Director
Vern Bullough (professor of history, California State University, Northridge)
Antony Flew (professor emeritus of philosophy, Reading University)
Gerald Larue (professor emeritus of archaeology and biblical studies, University of Southern California)
Jean-Claude Pecker (professor of astrophysics, College de France, Academie des Sciences

- Evtl. interessant bezgl. WERNER WALTER?: Freireligiöse Gemeinschaft LU, in der Gegend von WW

- Scheinen ansonsten alles Atheisten zu sein, nächster Termin z.B. hier: atheistdominion..

- Generell: Da sind mit Sicherheit einige des-informative Agenten-Kollegen dabei!


